4 Ways to Enjoy Fall Foliage in Boston

1. Take Your Exercise Outdoors

We all know how important it is to exercise our bodies — especially those of us who have jobs requiring us to sit down and stare at a computer all day. But, more often than not, motivating ourselves to get out, go to the gym, and do a workout is not nearly as enjoyable as we’d like it to be. 

2. Take A Trip to the Park with Your Kids

Maybe bringing your exercise routine outside doesn’t sound great to you, or perhaps you simply would rather make your outdoor time family time. If you’ve got kids (who probably can’t get enough of being outside in the fall), a nice family trip to the park might be an excellent option for you. There are parks all over the city — from smaller parks in residential neighborhoods to larger, more public parks — and you can be sure to find one that is just right for you and your family.

3. Go on a Walk with Your Parents

Speaking of family, don’t forget about your parents! A quick visit to your parent’s home can not only make their entire week but also help them enjoy the beautiful weather outside. As we age, it can get more challenging (or less desirable) for us to go out and walk around, but it is still crucial for our bodies to get movement.

4. Go Camping

If you’re a camping fan or have an RV, you can completely immerse yourself in the stunning New England fall foliage by heading to a campground. Even if you’ve never tried it before, you can find a perfect leaf-peeping campground that will have you enjoying the fall season in no time!


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