Celebrate Easter with These Traditions

Easter is this Sunday, April 17 — just a short bunny hop away! Whether you’re celebrating this holiday for a religious reason or because of certain traditions your family holds, check out the following ideas that can help you plan for a fun and memorable Easter this year.

Have an Easter Egg Hunt

Easter egg hunts are one of the most popular traditions held on Easter. What could be more fun than running around outside on a beautiful, spring day and searching for colorful eggs that have prizes or candy inside?

Looking to add something extra special to your Easter egg hunt this year or just want to change it up? Try writing activities such as “go for a bike ride together as a family” or “family game night” on pieces of paper and put them in the eggs. Let the kids redeem the activity they’ve found and enjoy spending some quality time together as a family! 

If you’re hosting an Easter egg hunt for your kids outside, don’t forget to purchase some bug spray so that you can keep those pesky bugs away. Also, be sure to grab some allergy medication in case anyone struggles with spring allergies.

Dyeing and Decorating Easter Eggs

Another popular tradition that has been a part of Easter celebrations for decades is dyeing or decorating hard boiled eggs. Whether you’re using an Easter egg dyeing kit or prefer to use your creativity by using items from your kitchen or home, your family and friends are sure to make memories with this fun tradition.

Want to get extra creative this year? Purchase some pretty spring stickers to place on the outside of your eggs to give them that extra pop! You may be able to buy them from a nearby community pharmacy, where you can conveniently get some Easter gifts and cards as well.

Spend Time Outside

Invite your family members or friends over for a barbeque. If you are cooking on a propane grill, make sure to have a propane tank handy so that you are able to heat the grill and cook your food.

If you have kids, head over to your community park playground and have a picnic under a tree or picnic shelter! Whip up some traditional Easter food such as ham, deviled eggs, candied carrots and your favorite vegetable.

Whether you’re planning to have people over your house or meet up at a local park, make sure your table linens are clean and ready to go. If you’re short on time, or just prefer to have a professional clean your table linens, schedule a laundry delivery at your local dry cleaner in Boston.

Enjoy spending time with your family this Easter and getting outside for some fresh, spring air!


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