Winter Care for Elderly Loved Ones

Winter is hard on everyone in Boston. The days get shorter and we all suffer through frigid temperatures. Now imagine how it must feel for your elderly loved ones.

They are far more prone to injury because of fragility. Their muscles and joints don’t work the way they used to, which can lead to falls. Cold affects them in a harsher way, and they are more likely to get frostbitten or sick.

That is why winter care for the elderly is important. Having a good winter care strategy will keep them safe during this high risk time of the year.

Preventing Winter-Related Injuries

Weve all stumbled a little when walking around in the winter. Sometimes you don’t know there’s ice until you already slipped over it. This is especially dangerous for the elderly because falls can lead to life-altering or life-threatening side effects.

Even at home, seniors are prone to falls unless their home has been carefully prepared to . Good lighting and proper stair maintenance are important. Also,  are useful tools that can reduce the risks of tripping, slipping or falling.

old man walking with a cane

The cold itself is also dangerous. Elderly people get colder faster. There are heated clothing benefits that you should consider. They can help the elderly minimize the risk of developing hypothermia and frostbites.

Properly winterizing the home can prevent many accidents for our elderly loved ones. That means things like checking that the windows are well-insulated, having the roof inspected to ensure it won’t get crushed under heavy snow, checking their heating system and  or oil before it gets too low, and other safety precautions.

Staying Indoors

When it’s icy and cold outside, it’s better to hibernate a little bit. There are plenty of  for in the winter that will keep you and your elderly loved ones occupied.

After the holiday season, senior citizens tend to get lonely and a little sad. It’s hard for friends and family to visit because of the weather. Staying inside too much isolates them and makes them feel lonely.

 can help them feel less alone. Not only can a home care aide provide emotional support, they can also take care of basic housekeeping, run errands, and do meal prep.

Your senior care strategy should also include . Bedding is bulky and difficult to thoroughly clean in household washers and dryers. Hiring a  will make things easier.

Skincare and Nutritional Supplements

It gets drier when it’s cold and elderly skin can start to crack and bleed. Prevent this by having a dry skin lotion or cream with plenty of moisturizing elements around the house and reminding your loved one to use it.

Make sure you the cupboard. One easy way to stay healthy is by making sure you’re getting the proper nutrition.

In the summer, it’s easier to stop by and make sure your elderly relatives are eating nutritiously. During the winter,  can be a good way to ensure they’re getting the nutrition needed to get through the winter.

If you have senior loved ones living by themselves at home, these winter safety measures should not be taken lightly. Fortunately, proper preparation can alleviate most problems. We hope these winter safety tips will help you and your loved ones stay safe this winter.


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