Ate Too Much During Thanksgiving Celebrations? Here’s What to Do

 The average American eats a whopping 3,000 calories and 150 grams of fat on Thanksgiving — and that’s not even counting seconds. 

Besides all the cleanup and extra laundry and dry cleaning you need to do, perhaps you find yourself getting a bit too stuffed after Thanksgiving celebrations every year as well. This time around, you want to be prepared. Specifically, you want to know how to make yourself feel better quickly if you’ve eaten too much. 

We’ve got you covered for Thanksgiving 2021 and beyond. Unbuckle your belt and read on for our best tips to get yourself back on track post-feast. 

Thanksgiving dinner

1. Hydrate

We’re not encouraging you to grab a filling pint of beer or a sugary cocktail after Thanksgiving dinner. Instead, if you’re feeling overly stuffed, you should try and sip as much water as you can. 

Water can ward off constipation, and it can help reduce bloating faster. Just be sure not to drink too much at once, as chugging water while you’re stuffed will only add to that feeling. Sip slowly and often instead. 

2. Skip the Snooze

Some people need prescriptions to help them sleep. For them, a post-Thanksgiving dinner nap might be a welcome part of the day. 

However, that shut-eye after your meal could be stalling your digestion. Try and stay awake for at least one to two hours after you eat to keep things moving and relieve your discomfort sooner.

3. Get Moving

If you’re feeling like you have enough energy to do more than just stay awake, head outside for an after-dinner walk. A little bit of movement can stoke digestion, and it can help balance out blood glucose levels, too. 

That might feel a bit ambitious for you after such a big meal, and that’s okay. Try getting up and going through a full-body stretch. Even something that gentle can have the same positive effects on your post-Thanksgiving state. If you have an elderly loved one, take him/her out on a walk to share some quality time together. It’s better than hiring a home caregiver.

4. Return to Your Regular Routine

Some people make the mistake of yo-yo-ing on the day after Thanksgiving. By that, we mean they follow up their indulgent feast with a very light day of eating or even a crash diet. This is never a solution to the post-holiday bloat.

Instead, just return to your normal way of eating. Incorporate lots of healthy, nutritious and fiber-rich produce to keep your digestion rolling. However, you don’t need to overhaul your diet completely — just go back to the way you usually eat. 

5. Ask Your Pharmacist 

If you’re really having digestive issues and the above tips don’t help, you can always ask your nearest pharmacist for help. They may be able to point you in the direction of a medication or supplement that can boost your digestion, relieve bloat and otherwise diffuse the discomfort you feel after such a big meal. 

Make the Most of Your Thanksgiving Celebrations

Everyone indulges on holidays, and you shouldn’t beat yourself up for enjoying your Thanksgiving celebrations. Instead, eat what you want, then take the steps necessary to get back to feeling like yourself. We’re thankful it’s that easy, too. 


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