Keeping the Family Safe in Winter

Winter is the perfect season to snuggle up inside and watch the snow fall through the winter. But winter also brings some risks associated with the snow and cold. Here are a few easy ways to reduce those risks, keeping yourself and your family members safe.

winter in Boston

Keep Fire Safety in Mind

Fire is warm and comforting, but also dangerous. If you use a candle to create ambiance, make sure you put it out before you go to bed. Don’t leave a candle burning alone in a room, either.

Also, be careful with space heaters. Make sure you clear anything flammable away from them. If you use propane for heat, make sure your tank is secure. Establish a regular schedule with your propane delivery team, and have your tank serviced periodically to keep it in good shape.

Avoid Slips and Falls

To prevent slip-and-fall injuries, make sure you keep your walkways clear of snow. Use rock salt or another ice melting agent to get rid of slick ice. If you have an older loved one, make sure they have winter boots with good traction. Consider having your in-home care provider help you get your older family member in and out of the vehicle on slippery days.

Use Medications to Your Advantage

Visit your local pharmacy, and stock up on medications and remedies that are helpful for winter. Get your Rx refills in advance so you don’t run out of medication during a storm.

Purchase some skin cream to treat dry skin, which is common due to the dry winter air. It’s also smart to keep some cold medicine on-hand, and to use some capsaicin or menthol gel to ease muscles that are sore from shoveling snow and tackling other winter chores.

Dress Warmly

Make sure you and your loved ones have plenty of warm clothing on-hand to protect you from the snow and cold. Consider arranging for a dry cleaners nearby to pick up your laundry items so you can get them cleaned without having to leave your house. This way, you can look your best in clean clothing, but still stay warm.

On cold days, it is best to dress in layers. Opt for breathable fabrics, like wool and synthetics, over cotton.

Winter is a beautiful season, but it does bring about some risks. With the tips above, you can mitigate those risks and remain focused on the seasonal beauty and family time.


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