
Showing posts from February, 2021

One Year into the Pandemic

  It was back in January last year when the first cases of COVID-19 were reported in the U.S., and in March 2020, the WHO declared the outbreak a pandemic. We are now one full year into the pandemic. It has been a hard year for everyone, but especially for our frontline workers, the elderly and their caregivers. We may be suffering from COVID fatigue but it is important that we remain vigilant and stay safe. I have some tips to share as we find our way through these difficult times. Plan for Vaccination Make a plan to get your COVID-19 vaccine, and help older adults in your life make a plan to get  their  vaccine. Find out if you can get vaccinated at your favorite  local pharmacy ; many are administering vaccines to at-risk individuals. Your local health department is another good resource to find vaccination sites in your area. If you live in Massachusetts like me, you can go on MA DPH website for clinics/sites that are currently accepting patients for vaccinations. In Massachusetts,

Keeping the Family Safe in Winter

Winter is the perfect season to snuggle up inside and watch the snow fall through the winter. But winter also brings some risks associated with the snow and cold. Here are a few easy ways to reduce those risks, keeping yourself and your family members safe. Keep Fire Safety in Mind Fire is warm and comforting, but also dangerous. If you use a candle to create ambiance, make sure you put it out before you go to bed. Don’t leave a candle burning alone in a room, either. Also, be careful with space heaters. Make sure you clear anything flammable away from them. If you use  propane for heat , make sure your tank is secure. Establish a regular schedule with your propane delivery team, and have your tank serviced periodically to keep it in good shape. Avoid Slips and Falls To prevent slip-and-fall injuries, make sure you keep your walkways clear of snow. Use rock salt or another ice melting agent to get rid of slick ice. If you have an older loved one, make sure they have winter boots with g

Taking Care of Dry Skin in Winter

The winter weather can wreak havoc on our skin. It can be even worse if you have sensitive skin to begin with. It’s important not to ignore the beginning signs of dry skin, since it can quickly become flaky and cracked if ignored. Cracked skin can lead to pain, bleeding and even skin infections. Here are some ways to take care of your dry skin in the wintertime. Stock Up on Good Quality Lotions, Creams and Moisturizers Lotion is an absolute must in the winter. You’ll find that you need to moisturize much more often than you do the rest of the year. Having several bottles of good quality moisturizer or cream in your house, in your car and in your purse or backpack will keep you prepared. Apply it on your hands and forearms several times a day, as those are the areas that tend to get the driest. But also apply to your whole body right after a hot shower, that will ensure your skin will stay moisturized longer. The  pharmacy near me  has a great selection of lotions, creams and moisturize