Prescription Drugs that Treat Acne

Acne is a troublesome skin issue that can affect people of all ages, ethnicities, and backgrounds. Pimples certainly don’t discriminate. And when it comes to treating acne, some look to prescription drugs when over the counter creams and washes fail to work. Some even go further and get compounded medications for skin conditions from certified compounding pharmacies. Let’s take a closer look at the prescription medications commonly prescribed by dermatologists.


Before a doctor prescribes a strong medication, they usually like to start with antibiotics. When someone suffers from chronic acne, there’s a lot of inflammation under the skin. Unfortunately, antibiotics tend to only treat this symptom and not the underlying cause. Also, being on antibiotics long term can mess with your immune system, so keep that in mind before getting that prescription refill.
woman touching the acne on her face


This medicine, only available at a prescription pharmacy, has been shown to have virtually no side effects when used topically. However, if you’re using it to treat acne, it can be clogging to the pores, and even make your acne worse.


Accutane is an extremely strong prescription drug prescribed for severe cases of acne. The side effects are certainly serious enough to make you second guess that prescription delivery. Accutane has been linked to depression, Chron’s Disease, and even birth defects.

Acne Treatment Without Prescription Drugs

Before you run out to the local pharmacy to pick up that acne prescription refill, consider the underlying cause of your breakouts. The actual cause of acne is retention hyperkeratosis, which is when your pores tend to shed skin cells more quickly than usual. So if you get breakouts regularly, it’s essential to keep your pores clear from excessive buildups. Finding the right products to do this can be tricky, but a good rule of thumb is the fewer ingredients in your products, the better. You don’t want to contribute to the buildup in your pores by adding more pore-clogging products to your skin.

Keep It Simple

Look for products with clean, simple ingredients. A simple cleanser and light moisturizer is really all you need, so don’t be tricked into multiple products that are marketed towards acne sufferers. Adding more junk to your pores is not going to clear your breakouts.
So before you run out to your local pharmacy for a prescription refill, consider the real cause of your acne and try a simpler approach.


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