How to Remove Pet Stains and Odors

We all love our furry friends, but the truth is they can be quite messy and smelly. Unlike humans, pets keep themselves warm with their soft fuzzy fur. But that fuzzy fur can shed, collect dander and be annoying to clean. Besides the hair, even the best-trained pets have accidents or throw up, usually in the most inconvenient of places. So for my fellow animal lovers, here are some tips on how to remove pet stains and odors from your home.

dogs running

Carpet Stains

Pet stains on the carpet are the most frustrating since I can’t pack up my floor and take it to the dry cleaner near me or throw it in the laundry. But before you call a professional carpet cleaner, try this method. After soaking up as much of the fresh stain as possible with a towel, mix two cups of warm water with two cups of vinegar and four tablespoons of baking soda. Pour the mixture into a clean spray bottle and saturate the stain. After letting sit for 10 minutes, blot dry with a towel. For extra odor removal, sprinkle baking soda on the spot after it has dried. Vacuum it up about 30 minutes later. The baking soda vacuum method is also excellent for musty pet smells on their favorite sleeping spots.

Fabric Stains

Has your pet ever thrown up or peed on a favorite item of clothing? You’re not alone. If you’re lucky enough to find the mess right after it happens, you may be able to treat it at home. However, for set-in stains, it’s best to leave it for the experts at dry cleaners or a local laundry delivery service. Be sure to explain the nature and specifics of the stain so they can use the best method for removal. To treat at home, use the same vinegar/water mixture mentioned above to saturate the stain. For heavily soiled items, pour some of the mixture into a shallow container and allow it to soak for at least an hour. After soaking, wash in on a normal cycle in the washing machine with warm water. If the odor remains, repeat the cycle.

Remember for heavily soiled items or set-in stains, ask the experts at a dry cleaner nearby. And don’t get too frustrated with your pets, they may be smelly, but they sure are cute.


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