Easy Tips to De-Clutter and Organize Your Closet

Did you know that studies have shown that decluttering your home can actually reduce anxiety and depression, and ultimately fewer trips to the drug store for medications? It’s more than just appearance, getting rid of clutter and reorganizing storage spaces in your home can make you feel more relaxed and grounded. I know for me, my closets tend to get a little out of control after time. When I begin dreading opening the closet door, I know it’s time to declutter. So here are my favorite tips for organizing closets.

woman cleaning her closet

Start Trying on Those Clothes

The major culprit of bedroom closet clutter is clothing. Look, we all have piles of laundry in various states of cleanliness in our homes at some point, but how much of those clothes do you actually wear? Maybe it’s time for a fashion show! Start trying on those clothes and make piles of “Keep” “Donate” and “Storage”. There’s no shame in keeping clothes that no longer fit, but there’s no point keeping them in your closet. For the clothing that needs to be put in storage, I would take them to a dry cleaner near me first – it’s always important to clean before you store your clothes. And if there is too much clothing to take to the store yourself, use a laundry delivery service.

Dig Out Those Hidden Treasures

Cleaning out your closet always reveals those long lost forgotten items waiting to be made brand new again. Maybe that vintage dress hiding behind your winter coats just needs a quick trip to the local dry cleaner. Or maybe those faded jeans can be cut into summer shorts. Cleaning out your closet is a great way to make use of the items you already have that still have a lot of life left in them. Perhaps with some clever alterations, you can wear them again with pride.

Baskets and Hanging Storage

When it comes to closets, you can never have enough storage solutions. I like to use baskets on the closet floor to separate shoes, handbags, and belts and hanging storage containers for folded items like sweaters, sweatshirts and off-season clothes. Hanging storage containers made of cloth or canvas are inexpensive and easy to find. And they’re amazing for smaller and narrower closets. When it comes to baskets, you may even have some laying around somewhere that you’re not using, or they’re super easy to come by at flea markets and garage sales.

So remember, to lower those stress levels and turn your home back into a sanctuary, start decluttering those smaller spaces like closets and pantries. You might even end up having some fun and find a few treasures in the process.


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