Why Shop Local?

When you shop at your local pharmacy or drycleaner, you’re not only building relationships but also strengthening the fabric of your entire community. Local business owners know you, and you know them.
When you see someone frequently at the coffee shop, dry cleaner, or hardware store, you build relationships with people who have similar needs and interests. Shopping at local businesses connects neighbors with each other. It’s social networking without the screen!

Photo by Kaique Rocha from Pexels

You get better customer service when you shop local. When you fill a prescription at a community pharmacy you are likely to be served by the owner or a long-time employee who knows your medical history and medication needs. Many local pharmacies also offer specialties such as compounded medications. A local laundry service or dress shop knows your preferences so you get more personalized service.
Local businesses are more likely to donate to community events, local non-profits, and sports teams. Studies have shown that they do so at over twice the rate of large chains. This kind of participation brings the community closer together.
Did you know that each dollar you spend at a local independent business can bring as much as $3.50 into the local economy? Local businesses are customers of local ad agencies, insurance brokers, accountants, printers, lawyers and other services and often buy locally-made goods too. This creates opportunities for entrepreneurs to start more local businesses.
Some studies have reported that local businesses employ more people directly per dollar of revenue than national chains thus creating higher-paying jobs for your neighbors. But it’s not just the jobs at the independent pharmacy, the laundry pickup service, or the boutique that get created. As the local economy strengthens, you’re helping create jobs for firefighters, police officers, teachers, and other public service employees as well!
Author: The WSI Touch is a digital marketing agency serving small and medium-sized businesses in Boston, Massachusetts.


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