
Showing posts from July, 2022

Save Time by Automating Household Chores

I can’t afford to hire a housekeeper, and I work full time. I don’t have other family members to share the burden of taking care of household chores. How do I keep my house in order and maintain a good quality of life? Automate! Here are some ideas. Cleaning the floor with robots Let the Roomba or similar robotic vacuums clean the floor for you while you are at work! This is a major time saver. Landscaping service or robotic mower? While we are talking about robots, do you know there are robotic lawn mowers and weeders? These innovative products are offered by  Automated Outdoor Solutions . Check them out! Laundry We all use washers and dryers, so laundry is automated. And if you use a programmable washing machine, you can schedule it to run at a convenient time, for example, two hours before you can come home to move the clean laundry to the dryer. But you can save more time by simply packing your laundry in a bag and call the  local laundry delivery service . Your clothes wi...

Enjoying Summer Safely

As you head outdoors, don’t forget the sunscreen and bug spray, clinicians urge RACHEL COPPOLA  |  COVERAGE , NEWS SERVICE OF BLUE CROSS BLUE SHIELD OF MASSACHUSETTS As summer vacation season kicks off, taking commonsense precautions to avoid sun, heat and insect-borne illnesses can help ensure a fun and safe season. Follow these summer safety tips: Stay sun safe Apply  sunscreen with an SPF of at least 30  and broad-spectrum UVA and UVB protection on all exposed skin, and reapply it every two hours regardless of SPF rating or more if you are swimming or sweating. “Consider a mineral-based sunscreen instead of a chemical-based one because it reflects UV rays away from the skin, and make putting it on part of your everyday routine like eating breakfast and brushing your teeth,” says Dr. Ashley Yeats, a family physician and VP of medical operations at Blue Cross Blue Shield of Massachusetts. Wear sunglasses, a broadbrimmed hat and long-sleeved shirt or clothing with bu...