A Few Tips for a Great Memorial Day
Memorial Day is just around the corner! Thankfully, most people in Massachusetts have had the COVID-19 vaccine, and with the gradual reopening of the economy, we are heading in a positive direction. Celebrating Memorial Day in a wide, open, outdoor space is a relatively safe option for most people. If you want to make sure this year’s Memorial Day party is one to remember, here are some planning tips. 1. Get vaccinated, and remind others. Gathering outdoors is safer tha n gathering indoors, but you’ll be even safer if you and your party attendees are vaccinated for COVID-19. Schedule your vaccine at the local pharmacy if you have not already, and remind your friends and family members to do the same. Remember, it takes several weeks to build immunity after a vaccine, so get vaccinated sooner rather than later. 2. Take table linens and flags to the dry cleaners. After a great party, you don’t want to have to spend all week cleaning up! Make plans to take your table linens, ...